IT Pro

The ITPRO™ is a state-of-the-art psychometric profiling tool that identifies the inherent personal strengths, attitudes and aptitudes that will help individuals become more effective and productive in evolving Information Technology cultures.


  • Identifies inherent potential and best fit within the IT culture.
  • Identifies self management and adaptability.
  • Assesses motivation, team orientation, comfort with conflict and more.
  • Gives management the information needed to match individuals more effectively to projects.
  • Provides valuable coaching and development strategies for IT management.
  • Is objective, comprehensive and economical.
  • Can be customized for your organization.

  • The ITPRO™ provides management and the individual detailed feedback on Self Management potential; Motivational Structure; Fit to Environment; Comfort with Conflict; Communications Style; Self Confidence; Lifestyle Management and Commitment to Career with appropriate coaching suggestions in these areas.

    View Information Technology Pro Sample Report Now!

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