Supervisor Pro

The SupervisorPro™ is a state-of-the-art psychometric profiling tool that provides critical insight into the attitudes and source traits that lead to success in supervisory and team leader roles.


  • Predicts performance and retention
  • Provides critical information that a hiring manager can use in making hiring, training and promotion decisions
  • Provides an overview of character traits as they apply to successful supervisors
  • Provides coaching and development strategies
  • Provides feedback on matching to mentors, peers and staff
  • Provides career management information
  • Provides information that can be used to attract top candidates
  • Is available on-line and provides instant results

  • The SupervisorPro™ is based on the POP™,a widely used normative psychometric profile in use since the late 1970′s. It is a systematic, e-based selection system that uses advanced statistical methods to accurately predict performance and retention and takes the guess work out of the selection process.

    Profiling for Supervisor Performance, Retention and Succession Planning

    In the last few years more leading edge organizations have begun to use psychometric profiling to select and develop their supervisors and build more strategic high performing cultures. Profiling is now widely recognized as a vital tool in selection and development of top performers. Many organizations are also using profiling systems to develop their succession plans.

    Supervisory Style

    The Supervisor Pro™ also provides an overview of the person’s style as a supervisor. This includes a wide variety of competencies such as leadership style, communication style, how goals and strategies are implemented, approach to motivating others, approach to coaching, feedback style and the propensity for achievement and self-management.

    View a Sample Supervisor Pro Report Now!

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