Message from CEO

Thank you for visiting, the website of the BusinessDrs. If you’ve visited our site before, you may have viewed our pilot site hosted by our parent company, Celestial Sphere Consultants, LLC. Welcome to our new, more comprehensive resource site for your business “health” needs. is the place to go when in doubt regarding your business operations. Our BusinessDrs team consitsts of a diverse group of specialists to assist you in the most practical manner. BusinessDrs reflects the highest standards in customer service and provides a personalized, unique touch to our clients and their specific needs. To provide greater insight into the successful workings of a wide variety of businesses, we offer you our Executive Highlights- insightful interviews with successful business leaders.

We aim to make your business resource center.This virtual resource is constantly updated and made available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; it is made to reflect today’s path to tomorrows’s business success.

Your Mission is Our Business. beleives that building bonds and long-lasting business relationships is a key to all of our success. So, keep in touch and visit us often and always remember, when business is “under-the-weather” call the BusinessDrs!

Dr. Robert J. Mullaney
President and Chief Executive Officer
(800) 385-0596

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"I was ready to 'close shop' after nearly 15 years due to the economy. BusinessDrs provided us with the motivation, strategies, and the education we were in need of for a very long time. Our doors are still open for business and better then ever!"

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