Mrs. Cristiane Barbosa-Timoteo

Mrs. Cristiane Barbosa-Timoteo, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to meet with me. You’ve been in healthcare and fitness for quite some time now, I understand. Please, tell me a little about your exciting new fitness center due to open in January, 2013.

Thank you for the opportunity Dr. Mullaney. Our mission is to have certified Physiotrainers lead patrons of all ages and fitness levels through always-varied, high-intensity fitness routines. Class sizes are limited to ensure personal attention, and the regimens are highly focused on preventing injury drawing from the gym’s Physiotraining™ philosophy as well as nutritional guidance and education for a long lasting lifestyle improvement.

High Energy Physiotraining™, now upgraded to, Physiotraining™ Fitness and Martial Arts World Center, was spearheaded by me, Cristiane Barbosa Timoteo, PTA, RFS, CWT. I am the founder of Physiotraining’s technique. Physiotraining™ helps athletes or average people of all ages and fitness levels rehabilitate their muscles while motivating them to whip into shape through my Specialized Physiotraining™ Techniques. “Physiotraining™ helps athletes or average people of all ages and fitness levels rehabilitate their muscles while motivating them to whip into shape through my Specialized Physiotraining™ Techniques”Blending a specific combination of physical-therapy techniques with muscle training, we work to ease patrons’ chronic, lingering pain while simultaneously toning and strengthening their muscles. This concept is only offered by us and we are distinctly the only health studio in the nation authorized by the US government to transition anyone from a rehabilitation setting back into any athletic or fitness setting safely and effectively. Our certified personal physiotrainers guide each patron through resistance training with free weights and/or machines, inciting muscles to develop rapidly to repair damage and increase performance. My partner, Giulio Timoteo, who is also a certified sports nutritionist, leads group Brazilian-jiujitsu and self-defense classes. These classes educate students in dynamic combat techniques, while toning their bodies and fostering a community of disciplined fighters and stronger, healthier kids for the future.

What do you consider to be your very first, most pressing daily issue that requires your attention in regards to running and operating a top-notch facility?

If I have to pinpoint the very first pressing daily issue it would have to do with the constant care and instruction provided to my patrons. I would ask: Was the trainer in charge of today’s class(s) on time for the private or group class session and is everyone on the schedule covered and taken care of for the day?

How would you say your fitness “concept” is different from others in the community?

Our class sizes are limited to ensure personal attention; we bring to the table the skills missing in all or most similar facilities which is the physical therapy background. “it’s never late to improve the quality of your health and life, regardless of your past physical condition”Definitely, the regimens are highly focused on preventing injury drawing from the gym’s Physiotraining™ philosophy that “it’s never late to improve the quality of your health and life, regardless of your past physical condition” as well as nutritional guidance and education for a long lasting lifestyle improvement. This is what sets us apart from all the rest!

How have you managed to remain successful, in light of all the changes going on in healthcare these days AND also ensure that your employees continue to provide superior customer service to their patients and clients?

This is a great point; Since we opened our doors in 2006, the fitness industry felt the burden of the economy just like the real state field and industries. The true reason I believe our gym survived, and is expanding now, is the fact that we welcome previously injured clients into our classes. Contrary to most studios unequipped to deal with these patrons, our physiotrainers go through a vigorous certification program prior to getting hired by us to carry forward the skills that guarantee our preferred treatment programs that literally sets us apart from any other studio in town or in the nation for that matter!

How have the recent issues of new diet fads, obesity, and the well-elderly helped to shape your business?

I believe it just helps us to acquire more and more “fans” to our trademarked concept. We base our programs solely on Evidence Base Practice exercises, treatment approaches, and eating habits based on anatomy and physiology as to how one digests food and how the body utilizes fuel-not fads! Of course, because a big aspect of Physiotraining™ is prevention, the well-elderly and other “new work out concepts” are very welcomed to our place as we have the educational ability to support or debunk any radical ideas and bring patrons back to a healthy lifestyle considering all advantages or difficulties that it entails.

How do you manage the impact of changing circumstances on your employees (trainers and therapists), patients, and other health and wellness partners?

We understand that nobody can run a successful place of employment unless they treat the trainers or therapists better than they treat themselves! Thus, we try to follow the same concept and give our associates plenty of freedom and security. This allows them to deal with any changing circumstances efficiently and be back full-throttle when they are ready again.

What would you consider to be the most significant challenges many south Florida health and wellness centers are facing and how are you leading PhisioTraining World Center to overcome these challenges?

In my opinion, the biggest challenge my gym, in particular, faces is the “doctor Google” syndrome. Too much information is available on the internet and as we know, much of it is not correct or complete. This adds to the challenges of debunking and proving, medically, that certain “new” workout concepts or fads are much more complex than appear or much more dangerous than is communicated. The next challenge follows the path of increased injuries in gyms due to the easy access to unqualified or underqualified personal trainers available out there; with no regulartory body to control “2-day” trainer’s certificates!

The next section has to do with Human Capital, basically the “people” of the organization. What have you learned, through your many years of successful leadership, that you could identify as the top two most important qualities in business and building relationships- perhaps qualities that are unique to the health and wellness industry?

My opinion and experience: HONESTY, both to clients and to employees! “Remaining true to the medical evidence out there and providing the most up-to-date, upscale, and cutting edge treatment and training (to employees and patrons)is very important.”The notion that “the client is always right” doesn’t always apply here. In fact, many times it is just the opposite; and to be successful and build long lasting relationships, one must be able to point out mistakes and incorrect techniques and place patrons in the correct frame of mind, regardless if the initial inclination for that to happen- which may be to disagree with the client or associate. Secondly, KNOWLEDGE is definitely the next quality to ensure. Remaining true to the medical evidence out there and providing the most up-to-date, upscale, and cutting edge treatment and training (to employees and patrons)is very important.

What have you discovered to be, essentially, a waste of productive time in regards to business and building relationships (what are efforts that have not become productively fruitful).

Truly, any efforts I have not seen response in so far have been certain types of advertisements. As far as relationships with associates the only waste of time I have had so far was trying to teach someone who thinks she/he knows it all. Otherwise, I can’t say I’ve wasted too much time!

Regarding leadership, how would you describe yourself as a leader and what traits do you think are necessary for a leader to possess?

Ohoh, are my employees going to read that? Ok, I am a ruthless leader who will stop at no barriers to bring the righteous and correct information to my followers. I respect others and their opinions but I am very strong minded (not stubborn!) and don’t like to over favor my client’s opinions just because they are clients. Truly, if I must make any final decision that impacts all or some with adversity, I will do it. This will happen regardless of certain personal issues that may arise in making those decisions. My trainers know I am very “cool” but they also know not to try to break any rules or policies because the repercussions are real and will happen. Interestingly enough, I’ve never stressed that, they just make sure they do it; it must be the “vibe” I put out to them!

A leader must NEVER be a push-over or disrespectful, and should have very high energy. These are the very important qualities of a leader in my humble opinion.

What has been your most challenging leadership decision in the past year?

It was the decision as to whether I should continue at the location I was operating at during a spiked period of growth or move to a bigger, more expensive facility for the overall improvement of the business. (moving of course was the final decision)

Who has been your biggest influence, in regards to leadership, and why?

I don’t want to sound “corny” but my biggest influence in the development of my leadership skills was obtained from my physical therapist assistant school. It wasn’t necessarily someone in particular. “I do have to say that my husband, Giulio Timoteo, is a big force in motivating me, supporting me, and making sure I don’t ‘drop the leadership ball.’”Since early childhood situations my personality screamed leadership; from as early as I can remember being class president or the “ruler” of recess I was already demonstrating some leadership potential. Having gone through PTA school in a different country- I am originally from Brazil- with a different language and culture and then dealing with the animosity from others not so welcoming to foreigners have all contributied to my leadership development. I’ve conquered obtaining several honors, highest GPA awards, and Dean’s list awards and these accomplishments brought me to a self-state of mind that made me realize that I must continue leading without giving myself any option otherwise. I do have to say that my husband, Giulio Timoteo, is a big force in motivating me, supporting me, and making sure I don’t “drop the leadership ball.” Without him, I might have succumbed to the daily stress and difficulties encountered along the way. He is the “big” person behind the big leader so my biggest influence to continue to be a leader is my dear husband, Giulio Timoteo.

Do you hold yourself to a particular productivity requirement, and if so, could you explain the nature of it?

Well, even though gyms suffer quite a bit when the economy has troubles, I make sure we continue to provide quality care services to all of our clients. Of course, we have overhead and expenses and if productivity falls below that we have a major problem. Thankfully, we have been fortunate to have so many different avenues of revenue in our studio that we don’t necessarily depend on one certain type of activity or productivity standard. This allows us to vary services rendered and offer them at competitive prices. Although our quality is better than most studios and our recurrent promotions allow cost effective marketing and secure a flow of new people visiting our studio on a monthly basis, our producitivity requirements are variable and have thus far, helped us to survive the times.

Final thoughts. We’ve covered your general daily job routine as a Health and Wellness Entrepreneur and Therapist, Human Capital regarding the people of your Fitness Center, Leadership regarding yourself, and then Productivity regarding expectations. Do you have any final thoughts? What helpful tips could you offer to other leaders and emerging leaders in the community?

I could talk forever here and try to preach so many do’s and don’ts of the wellness and fitness fields. If I had to summarize or choose the best “advice” to upcoming leaders in this or a similar field it would be as follows: “Be true to your clients. Don’t over do it with agreeing or being permissive with a client just because you need their patronage.”Be true to your clients. Don’t over do it with agreeing or being permissive with a client just because you need their patronage. Honesty takes you really far in this business because most people who are seeking a studio that differs from the “everyday big gyms” are people who have heard and seen quite a bit of “phonies” or have been exposed to the less-than-qualified trainers and gyms out there. My way of being voted the most successful gym and number one boot-camp in Broward County for the 2012 year by “Living Social” had to do with my personal philosophy. This entails that “I will tell a client like it is, like it or not, keeping their patronage or not, because I believe they will eventually find out the truth and see that you were honest and not just interested in their business at any cost, thus in a conscious mind, they will come back to us!”

For more information, visit:

Physiotraining Fitness & Martial Arts World Center
2240 SW 70th Avenue, Suite C-1
Davie, Florida 33317

(754) 581-1605

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