
We Offer:

  • Life Coaching (our most popular)- Works with all types of indivuals (personal/corporate employees or executives) on life’s challenges and moving forward towards achievement.
    • Free Initial Consults: This consists of a sit-down meeting with key representatives to determine what the needs are and a clarification report on how the Business Drs can help.
    • Business Plan Development for Start-ups or Reorganization.
    • Short/Long Term Strategic Guidance and Development.
    • Experience-based, methodological, and collaborative action plans.
    • The LI-NK between academic, empirically sound research and proven, practical business experience to influence practice.
    • Short-term and long-term Effort Path Programming.
    • Work-Site BD Analysis.
    • Individual and Group Coaching.
    • Executive and Personal Life Coaching.
    • Educational Seminars and Engagements.
    • Professional / Advisory Board Representation.
    • Routine Consulting Plans & Memberships.
    • NOTE: All services are offered to leaders/managers and/or non-leaders/managers.

      Initial Consults

      The initial consult process involves meeting with one of our consultants either in person, via phone, or virtually. Usually, documentation will be requested in advance of this meeting to ensure we know where you are coming from. Within only a few days you will receive a report of what the BusinessDrs can do for you.

      Business Plan Development

      Starting from scratch is not easy and it shouldn’t be done alone. As they say, “more minds are better than one.” Regardless of the stage of development, BusinessDrs can step in to assist.

      Strategic Plan Development & Operationalization

      We do not intend to assist in developing strategic plans without seeing them become operationalized. Our biggest fear is to see the most promising of plans never become reality. We will help your business assess all angles of operations, create objective, step-by-step action plans, and lay out a comprehensive plan for implementation . What we accomplish for you is what we take pride in.

      Action Plans

      How is an action plan different from a strategic or business plan you might ask? Well, our BusinessDrs therapeutic approach to business consulting is what defines and makes us unique in this regard.



      The Business Drs LI-NK Program considers current and past academic research on the topic areas of consultative concern. Our education team will conduct research and provide reports that will ultimately become inserted into the overall strategy for improvement.

      Effort Path Programming

      Effort Path Programming is also unique to Business Drs. This combines LI-NK program components and the BusinessDrs process for developing attainable action plans.

      Work-site BD Analysis

      A work-site analysis is exactly as it sounds. Once under contract, BusinessDrs will visit your site and perform the indicated BD Analysis of departments, staff, process, and overall operations. This can be a component of a larger BD Plan or can be implented alone yeilding a comprehensive Report of BD Analysis.

      Individual & Group Coaching

      As part of the operationalization process it is often found that certain key individuals can make or break smooth operations. BusinessDrs will work with employees on a one-on-one, objective basis. Duration can range from a single session to many, spread over a desired frame of time.


      Executive & Personal Life Coaching

      Our executive & personal life coaching services are meant to guide potential leaders, current leaders, or leaders who are experiencing productive declines.

      What is great about this service is that it is offered in person, on-line via webCam, or via phone. What happens in our personal lives before and after work often dictates our performance at work. We understand this and can offer objective-based stategies that can help. These services are not limited to leaders and managers.

      Educational Seminars & Engagements

      With a plan comes the need to train.

      Training our clients is one of our core competencies. We aim not only to assist you in reaching your desired outcome, but to teach with the goal of total independence. Too many companies employ consulting firms only later to hire them again the next year, and the next year. This is good for the firm- bad for the recipent of its services. With larger, more comprehensive consulting initiatives we promote Total Business Independence. Any future visits from us will only build on what was successfully previously accomplished.


      Professional & Advisory Board Representation

      Our experts are available to represent you or your Business!

      We will help define the purpose of your involvement on certain Advisory Boards, Committees, Events, and any other Special Projects so you get the most value for your time. When hired, we are considered employees of your firm. Certain limitations apply with regards to possible conflicts of interest and/or confidentiality. Inquire for more details.

      Routine Consulting Plans & Memberships

      For those who have jumped around from medical doctor to medical doctor, you know how frustrating and tedious it can be to “start all over again.”

      Why not stay consistent? After our initial assessment we will provide your company with the option to keep us on board for the long run.There are many reasonable packages available to ensure your initial investment follows through to fruition.


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The BusinessDrs are on Call!

If you are an owner or employee of a large or small organization and not quite sure what you need, give us a call! We would be pleased to chat with you regarding your particular needs. Fill out our contact form below and recieve an e-mail or phone call in response to your inquiry.

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