e-Exit Interview

The e-Exit Interview™ is a customizable web based assessment that provides candid information on how people feel about their performance and their working conditions. It includes a powerful “Executive Summary” and a detailed retention analysis that clearly illustrates the reason people are leaving the organization within a specified time frame. The data in the report is graphically illustrated and easy to interpret. The result is a convenient, objective analysis that highlights trends and helps leadership to quickly address critical performance and retention issues. Many of the worlds leading companies partner with Self Management Group to design data driven strategies that effectively address the trends detailed in our reports.

The e-Exit Interview™ is ideal for business experiencing high turnover or business with seasonal positions. It is also suitable for organizations looking to capture mission critical information before people leave to move on to other opportunities.

Using a consistent structure in the exit interview process helps keep the employees departure positive and can be a valuable experience for both the employee and the employer.

Benefits for the employer:

  • Employer learns why the person is leaving
  • Opportunity to resolve issues with disgruntled employees, providing closure for retained employees
  • Gain insight and pass on knowledge that can be used in succession planning
  • Opportunity to get candid information on employees attitudes about the working conditions, manager, coaching etc.
  • Get candid information about employees perception of their performance and the compensation strategy
  • Trends help improve the recruitment and selection process
  • Providing structured opportunity to provide feedback and may be the last chance an employer has to retain the employee

    Benefits for the employee:

  • Structured opportunity to give feedback helps keep the process constructive
  • Opportunity for the employee to leave on a positive note
  • Opportunity to keep contact with employer warm and potentially return

    View e-Exit Interview Sample Report Now!

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