360 Referencing

On-Demand 360° Referencing™ is a customized on-line, high-speed reference checking and reporting system that quickly provides Hiring Managers with comprehensive, measurable and accurate references for their candidates.

Reference Checking is the only part of the hiring cycle where a Hiring Manager has the opportunity to externally verify what a Candidate has been telling them. It is crucial that this process is conducted and that it encourages honest information from references.

On-Demand 360° REFERENCING™ Benefits:

  • Confidential on-line interface delivers honest references
  • Provides measurable data on key, job relevant attributes
  • High-speed process reduces time required to perform reference checks
  • Helps you hire good candidates quickly without skipping due diligence
  • Reduces the legal risks associated with reference checking
  • Produces candid self-analysis of candidates perceived performance
  • Produces follow-up interview questions based on reference scoring

    Now you can get trustworthy, job specific reference information through a process that is quicker and less costly than traditional phone reference checking and will even aid in training and development if you choose to hire.

    View 360 Referencing Sample Report Now!

The BusinessDrs are on Call!

If you are an owner or employee of a large or small organization and not quite sure what you need, give us a call! We would be pleased to chat with you regarding your particular needs. Fill out our contact form below and recieve an e-mail or phone call in response to your inquiry.

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