*Sales Potential Profile

SALESPRO (SPRO™) is a state-of-the-art psychometric profiling tool that identifies and measures the potential for success and suitability to a career in sales. It is proven technology designed specifically for the selection and development of high performing sales people, and is used extensively throughout North America and the world to select the self-managers who will be consistent top performers.

  • Identifies potential for relationship sales
  • Measures self-management potential and pro-activity
  • Measures achievement motivation and closing style
  • Measures independence and need for structure
  • Provides coaching insights to improve development and retention
  • Provides useful career counselling feedback to candidate
  • Is statistically validated using each organization’s unique performance criteria
  • Is available on-line

  • Selection & Performance
    In an increasingly competitive business world more and more successful sales organizations have adopted the SPRO™ to identify and select the candidates most likely to perform at a high level in a relationship sales environment. The SPRO™ provides an assessment of the candidate’s potential to be proactive in a sales and relationship management role. It also provides an evaluation of the candidate’s self-management potential relative to current sales people and also candidates that are being considered. The SPRO™ also measures the individual’s achievement motivation, the need for challenge or money versus the need for relationships or safety and security. It also measures dependence versus independence needs for structure in a sales role.

    Once a candidate has been selected SPRO™ provides invaluable information about fit to the manager and the environment – key retention issues.

    Training & Coaching
    Provides insights, based on the individual’s strengths and characteristics, into the best training and coaching strategies and style to employ with the individual – such key areas as the individual’s closing style, people orientation, self-confidence, need for feedback, need for structure and/or independence.

    It also identifies self-confidence, prospecting orientation, ability to manage rejection and commitment to a sales career.

    Career Counselling
    Provides useful career counselling feedback report to the candidate.

    View a Sample Sales Potential Profile Report Now!

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