Information Technology Personal Profile

Information Technology Personal Profile™

If you you are considering a career in information technology then the IT Personal PRO™ will help you make the right career choice. The profile also provides an assessment of your communication style and approach to dealing with internal and external clients, users and others.

Who is this Profile For?

  • Individuals considering an information technology career
  • Individuals deciding on new information technology training
  • Individuals looking at a new information technology career path

  • Key Features

    An analysis of your inherent characteristics and attitudes measured against the requirements of four major IT career opportunities:

  • Leaders/Project Managers; Innovators/Developers; Systems
  • Maintenance & Service Personnel; and Technical Sales.

  • Key Components

  • IT Career Ranking for the Four IT Careers
  • Career Development Plan
  • Retention Strategy
  • Self Management Potential
  • Motivational Profile
  • Environmental Fit
  • Comfort With Conflict
  • Self Confidence
  • Managing Stress

  • View IT Personal Profile Sample Report Now!

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